The Problem:
Elephants, tigers, and animals that circuses use to entertain audiences perform difficult tricks because they’re afraid of what will happen if they don’t. To force animals to perform, circus trainers abuse them with whips, tight collars, muzzles, electric prods, bullhooks, and other painful tools of the circus trade.
The Solution:
A 2D animated video That express our solidarity with wild animals. Ellie is a six year old girl who can't wait to go to the circus. She then falls asleep with her plushies (an elephant, lion and bear). All of a sudden she is in the circus and ends up backstage. She doesn't wanna go to the circus anymore.
Behind The Scenes:
Role: Rough Animation & Cleanup Artist
Credits: Karen Camargo: Art Direction & Cleanup Artist
Gaby Perez: Rough Animation & Script
Denisse Villarreal: Rough Animation & Production
Martha de la Garza: Compositing & Cleanup Artist
Georgy Manterola: Sound Design
Tools: Harmony, After Effects
Date: 2015